Aulas particulars 1:1 e 1:2 em Cursos-de-Espanhol

Most of our students are travelers. In order to get the most out of your precious vacation time, we offer optimized individual courses 1:1 and 1:2 (for couples). The best way  to adjust to learning speeds and subject matter for each student.

teacher and student during spanish course

Learning Spanish 1:1

This is the first choice for those who want to spend their time most effectively.  We factor in previous knowledge, speed and special interests. Short minimum stays from 1 week on. Our program functions with 5 days of classes within 6 continuous days (your choice of 1 day off to go on adventures such as climbing the volcano).  Choose to have your main class in the morning or in the evening. 3 levels of intensity:
Crash course: 20 hours per week, 3 hours of classes and grammar- 1 hour conversation per day
Intensive Spanish Course: 15 hours per week, 3 hours per day
Standart Spanish Course: 10 hours per week, 2 hours per day

Students and teacher in 2:1 spanish course

Learning Spanish 1:2

This courses are meant for couples travelling together who share the same level of previous knowledge and learning capabilities. As with our 1:1 classes, our program functions with 5 days of classes within 6 continuous days (your choice of 1 day off to go on adventures such as climbing the volcano). Short minimum stays from 1 week on. Choose to have your main class in the morning or in the evening. 3 levels of intensity:
Crash : 20 hours per week, 3 hours of classes and grammar- 1 hour conversation per day
Intensive : 15 hours per week, 3 hours per day
Standart : 10 hours per week, 2 hours per day.

The group course spans 2 weeks. It is designed to allow communication in everyday situations while traveling. We aim to teach on a basis that allows  you to get around in commonplace situations as well as take part in short conversations. We teach 3 hours per day. In addition you receive the materials needed for self study and homework.
Level: Beginner
Start: Mondays
Class hours: Monday to Friday 2:00pm
Small groups (max. 4 students) for 10 days with a total of 30 hours. If we don't get the minimum of 3 students, the course will still take place, but we reduce the teaching hours from 15 to 10 per week.

Price list Spanish courses, prices per student per week

10 hours per week
15 hours per week
20 hours per week
Spanish Classes1:1 215,-USD* 230,-USD* 340,-USD*
Spanish Classes 2:1 185,-USD* 225,-USD* 275,-USD*
Group Course min 2 weeks -- 170,-USD* --

*Our prices are in CLP, prices in USD may change with mayor changes in exchange rate, please inquire. Find our complet price list here

  • The homestay we offer is part of the studies, not a family pension. For example our families don’t receive more than one guest at a time (exception couples). Homestay will help you to immerse more in the language and culture, practicing what you have learned at school in real life instead of speaking Spanish just at school and than English with fellow travellers in your hostel. Homestay definily boosts your skills, even more if you speak some Spanish already. As the families should make you part of their daily life and meals are an important part of it, we offer Homestay only as full board.
  • • We can also help you find another accommodation, from dorms in hostel to equipped cabins or apartments

Packages and Special Offers for Spanish courses

Several weeks Spanish Courses or city combinations where you study Spanisch in Pucon and Santiago or Bariloche, Spanish course including accomodation or seasonal offers for Spanish courses.

Fronside of the spanish school

Special Package 1:1 + Homestay

1 week, 15 hours
7 nights in homestay, all meals with the family
pick-up from bus station, Pucon city tour
1 week : 390.000 CLP/ 600,- USD*
2 weeks: 750.000 CLP/1110,- USD*
3 weeks: 995.000 CLP/1530,- USD*

Group of students in Spanish course

Special Package 1:2 + Homestay

1 week, 15 hours
7 nights in homestay, all meals with the family
pick-up from bus station, Pucon city tour
1 week : 350.000 CLP/ 550,- USD*
2 weeks: 660.000 CLP/1025,- USD*
3 weeks: 910.000 CLP/1400,- USD*

Student in 1:1 spanish course

Special Package 1:1 + Hostal

1 week, 15 hours
7 nights in homestay, all meals with the family
pick-up from bus station, Pucon city tour
1 week : 000.000 CLP/ 000,- USD*
2 weeks: 000.000 CLP/0000,- USD*
3 weeks: 000.000 CLP/0000,- USD*

Group classes in Santiago

Santiago-Pucón Group + 1:1

Group lessons in Santiago 4 lessons per day
1:1 in Pucon, 3 hours per day
Homestay families in both cities
1 weeks each city: 940,- USD
2 weeks each city: 1640,- USD

groupclasses in Pucon

Pucón - Bariloche 1:1 + group

Group lessons in Bariloche 4 lessons per day
1:1 in Pucon 3 hours per day
Homestay families in both cities
1 weeks each city: 1000,- USD
2 weeks each city: 1800,- USD

2students in 1:2 Spanish course

Group course Pucon + Hostel

2 weeks group course
2 weeks dorm in Hostel
000.000 CLP/ 000,- USD*

*Our prices are in CLP, prices in USD may change with mayor changes in exchange rate, please inquire.**prices may change in high season Dez-Feb

Learning Spanish at the lake shore

On Lake Villarrica, sourrounded by 2 National Parks, Pucon is one of the most beautifull spots in Chile.

Why should you choose our Spanish courses?

Girl is giving Thumbs up for inidvidual spanish courses

Optimized individual Spanish Courses

You advance much faster in 1:1 than in group settings. Individualized courses make it possible to teach the same concepts and amount in a far shorter period, saving you time and money that can instead be dedicated to travelling.

  • no additional fees for the Spanish courses.
  • Free Wifi and PC use at the school
  • coffee, tea and cold drinks during breaks
  • all study materials included
  • book swap
On the lakeshore, amongst National Parks, Pucon is the center for all kinds of outdoor experiences. Within one hour you  walk the virgin forests of National Park Huerquehue, ski the slopes of Villarrica volcano or soak in one of the many natural hotsprings. Amongst the friendly Chileans, the "sureños" are the most outgoing and openhearted.
All our teachers have years of experience teaching Spanish to travellers, We share your passion for discovering Chile and will make your stay and learning Spanish part of your travel experiences. Individual classes let you boost your knowledge much faster than group classes and teach you exactly what you need for a deeper understanding of the country you are travelling.

A short Präsentation of our Spanish School

Meanwhile our team still works on the video Präsentation you can enjoy the most beautifull video ever made about our amazing country.

About Chile and studying Spanish

A clip by two  ex-students, Ben and Michelle with stunning footage of Pucon, the nature, the volcano. Their teacher Paty singing along.